Join the Thelma Matilda Alves Foundation for a transformative session dedicated to black women serving as the eldest daughters or main caregivers within their families, led by the esteemed Alanna Okunneye. This event, facilitated by Alanna, provides a platform for sharing diverse stories, offering valuable advice, and fostering a supportive community. Participants will explore narratives, receive practical guidance on navigating challenges, and learn essential self-care strategies. The session aims to empower attendees with a deeper understanding of their unique strengths and resilience, creating a space for reflection and connection.
Experience an interactive and empowering gathering where black women can engage in shared narratives, gain insights, and build a network of support under the guidance of Alanna Okunneye. This unique event, designed for those in caregiving roles, promises valuable tips for self-care, practical advice, and a sense of unity. Celebrate the strength and wisdom that black women bring to their families by securing your spot for an inspiring journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Whether you're seeking guidance or eager to connect with like-minded individuals, this session, led by Alanna Okunneye, is a celebration of the remarkable journey of being the eldest daughter or main caregiver in a family.
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