Counselling Sponsorship Scheme

In 2023 we successfully launched our first counselling sponsorship scheme. Trained therapists provided 15 hours of counselling services to 5 black women taking part.  The counsellors listened and supported the emotional needs of these black women.

This year, again we aim to support 10 black women receive private counselling services.  Our aim is to continue to help black women receive mental and psychological wellbeing support with our qualified counsellors.

We understand counselling can be inaccessible for Black Women due to costs, long NHS waiting lists and not being referred by their doctors. We aim to remove these barriers by directly supporting Black women and covering the cost of counselling.

Who can take part?

The Counselling Sponsorship Scheme is aimed at Black or Black mixed heritage ethnicity women experiencing poor mental health and in need of mental health support.  

You can apply if you are:

  • Black or Black mixed heritage ethnicity women

  • Unemployed, a carer or facing financial difficulties 

  • Have never received counselling or therapy before

  • A full time UK resident

  • Over 18 years of age

  • Living in London

  • Able to commit to 15 hours of counselling.

We are no longer accepting applications for 2024

Find more information here.